01908 582 101

Self Isolation Home Learning

 Swallowfield Busy Bees Pre-School Closure Activities

In the event of school closure we have prepared a range of activities for all of the children.  If your children are unwell or your family is self-isolating then please have a look at Busy Bees Google Classroom.

Please check this page regularly for updates and additional information.

Please find below a document outlining the activities that we have identified.

Busy Bees Home Learning

Please find below a document with links to websites you may find helpful.

Useful Websites to Support Home Learning

Themes and Planning for Busy Bees

Themes and Topics 

On this page you will find our themes and planning for each Half Term – this will be updated after each holiday.

Summer 2 2021 Planning

Summer 2 2020 topic overview

What Busy Bees will be learning Summer 2

Summer 1 2021 Planning

EYFS Medium Term Plan Summer 1 2021docx

summer 1 topic overview 2021

Spring 1 2021 Planning

EYFS Medium Term Plan Spring 1 -2 2021 docx

Spring 1 topic overview 2021

Autumn 2 2020 Planning

Autumn 2 topic overview 2020

Autumn 2 20 med term plan

Autumn 2 2020 Planning

Autumn 1 topic overview 2020

EYFS Medium Term Plan Autumn 1


Return to School September 2020

BusyBees Home Learning Aut 2 India 2020



Return to School

The wonderful creators at Twinkl have produced this kindly informative PowerPoint which are all aspects that your children may be thinking about if they are returning back to Busy Bees from tomorrow. If you feel it is suitable or will support your child you may want to share it with your child – but please do not feel you must.

If you are not returning to school tomorrow we are still thinking of you lots and would love to continue to hear from you. We are completing the same learning activities at school so we would love to share photographs and your success.

Wherever you are continuing your learning we know that you are all wonderful caterpillars that are transforming into beautiful Busy Bee’s butterflies wherever your learning might be taking place.

Returning back to School

This half term at Busy Bees

Welcome back – we hope you had a relaxed half term and the children are ready to have some more fun.

We start our half term with Diwali celebrations and we will be creating some wonderful patterns with the children this week.

Thursday we will be having a Fun Spooky Day for Halloween – the children are invited to dress up in their costumes if they wish but no masks please as some of our younger children be upset by them. We will some fun activities for the children to do.

This half term our topic is Story Time and we have chosen some of the stories that the children have enjoyed listening to.

At the end of November we will be taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week and I will post a list of the rhyme’s we will be learning for you to try at home.

For our transition children this week we are learning the songs for the nativity as we are performing very early this year – you may hear the children singing them at home – we apologise as it may all sound a little christmassy !

Please have a look at the topic overview below

Autumn 2 topic overview 2019

A few reminders for this half term –

We will be having our Coffee Afternoon next week – poster with details is on the parents notice window.

We  play outside everyday so the children will need coats and as the weather gets colder gloves and hats as well.

Please remember that packed lunches should not include chocolates or sweets. Also no chocolate spread or peanut butter in sandwiches please. Packed lunches also need to include a drink but not fizzy drinks.

This week the list of special days and events will be posted on the parents notice window – it is a busy half term. We hope the children enjoy the run up to Christmas.


Busy Bees Team

Busy Bees Team

Kim Bishop – Manager

Michele Banbury – Deputy Manager

Sarah Lynch – Deputy Manager

Avril Mackenzie – Practitioner

Sarah Boulton – Practitioner

Ceri Wright – Practitioner

Bethany Murray – Practitioner

We hope you all had a fabulous Summer and look forward to seeing you all back this week for an exciting first half term.




Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary