Key Stage 2 Results 2024
- 81% of children met the expected standard in grammar, punctuation, and spelling (GPS), compared to 72% nationally.
- 71% of children met the expected standard in maths, compared to 73% nationally.
- 64% of children met the expected standard in reading, compared to 74% nationally.
- 42% of children met the expected standard in writing, compared to 72% nationally.
- 40% of children met the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths combined, compared to 61% nationally.
In terms of scaled scores:
- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling: Swallowfield Primary achieved 106.8, exceeding the national average of 105.0.
- Maths: Swallowfield Primary matched the national average of 104.0.
- Reading: Swallowfield Primary achieved 103.0, slightly below the national average of 105.0.
The 2024 writing result, which was externally moderated, has fallen below expectations and is a key area for school development plan. This has been made an immediate priority in our school improvement plan for 2024–2025 to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential in this area.
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
National Average Score (2024) – 20.6
- Pupils achieving 20 and above – 73%
- Pupils achieving full marks (25/25)- 50%
- Pupils achieving 20 and above- 2023- 80%
- Pupils achieving full marks (25/25)- 23%
- Pupils achieving 20 and above- 76%
- Pupils achieving full marks (25/25)- 39%
Year 1 Phonics Check
- % of pupils passing in Year 1 – 80% (National Average 80%)
- % of pupils passing in Year 1 – 78% (National Average 79%)
- % of pupils passing in Year 1 – X% (National Average 75%)
Early Years Foundation Stage
- 68% of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (National Average TBA)
- 78% of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (National Average 67%)
- 41% of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (National Average 65%)