01908 582 101

Year 3


Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3

Our teachers are Mrs Knox ( Acacia Class ) and  Miss Glyn Davies (Kapok Class)

We are supported by Mrs Cowdrill and Mrs Brindle.


Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday. This term our topics will be The Romans and Land Use . We will be going back in time to learn all about the rise of the Roman Empire.

In English we will be reading a range of different narratives, resulting in the children creating their own unique stories.

In Maths the children will be developing their understanding of length and perimeter.

In Science this term we will be learning all about fossils and light.

Year 3 Welcome Letter

Year 3 Updated Spring Welcome Letter

Typical Timetable

Kapok Typical Timetable (1).doc

Acacia Typical Timetable (1).doc

Spring 2025 Planning Overview.docx

Year 3 Homework Tasks

All homework tasks can be found on the inside cover of the children’s Learning Logs which need to be completed weekly and handed to the class teacher on a Thursday.


Knowledge Organisers

Please find the knowledge organisers for all our topics below.

Land Use knowledge organiser

Romans Knowledge Organiser – Eco Colour

Science knowledge organiser Forces and Magnets


Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary