01908 582 101


Sports Day fundraising

Friday, July 10, 2015

The PTFA were, thankfully, under the new sun shades for a very sunny Sports Day and we raised £1223.38 from refreshments and £1013.75 from the Silent Auction, which is an amazing fundraising amount from a wonderful afternoon.  Thank you to the teachers and staff who make the day possible, the parents who supported the afternoon, and all the PTFA volunteers who work hard through the year to make these events and fundraising possible.

Polydron Competition Winners!

Monday, July 6, 2015

In Maths Year 2 were creating 3D shapes using the Polydron. The children made all sorts of 3D shapes like a cube, cuboid and pyramid.

However, there were two shapes we didn’t know the name of. We researched the properties and found out Lizzie and Caitlin had made a ‘dodecahedron’ and we discovered Sian’s shape had two names! It is known as a ‘truncated octahedron’ or a ‘tetradecahedron’.

During our search we saw there was a competition on the Polydron website to send in a picture of any models and shapes created with the resource. We sent in our picture and received an email telling us Sian’s model had come joint first prize, winning a Mega Tub of Polydron for the school! Well done Sian, a super discovery!





Hot Hot Hot!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

With it being so hot these next couple of weeks, please make sure you send your child to school with a hat, bottle of water and wearing suncream, which can be brought into school to reapply if necessary.

Many thanks.



Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary