Year 4
Welcome to Autumn Term in Year 4
Our teachers are Mrs Galloway (Beech Class) and Mrs McCormick (Hazel Class).
We are supported by Mrs McCarthy and Mrs Baker.
Welcome to Year 4! We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. Please see our Welcome Letter and Medium Term Plan below for more information about how Year 4 works.
Medium Term Plan – Autumn 2024-25
MTC (Multiplication Tables Check)
In Year 4 the children will take part in the MTC (Multiplications Tables Check). Please help us build your child’s fluency by encouraging them to practise on TTRS at least 5 minutes a day. This practise is invaluable as it provides the children with an experience that replicates the test they will be taking in the summer term.
Year 4 Timetable
Please see below for an example of our typical weekly timetable.
Year 4 Homework Tasks
Year 4 homework will now be sent home in their learning logs. This will provide children with specific and relevant learning tasks for them to complete over the week. We also encourage the children to do at least 10 minutes of independent reading and work on their TTRS scores!
Knowledge Organisers
Please find this term’s knowledge organisers below: