Playground Markings Competition
We’ve entered in the Fun & Active Playgrounds competition and are in with a chance of winning a playground transformation worth £3000 in time for the new academic year! We’re crossing our fingers as the Silver Sports Package includes 6 bright and colourful playground markings that encourage physical play and activity. With a Netball Court, Dance With Me, Active Trail, Jump Game, Dartboard and 4-Way Hopscotch – the range of markings can be used to enhance breaktimes and PE lessons!
Find out more here:
The International School Award 2021-24
We are very happy to announce that Swallowfield has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award (2021-2024) in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.
The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education.
As a school, we are very proud of our own internationalism amongst our pupils, but also take every opportunity to bring the global world into Swallowfield, thus expanding the children’s horizons, developing our values further and learning how to be global citizens.
Welcome Back Swallowfield!
Welcome back to a new and exciting year ahead!
We look really forward to seeing you all and meeting new faces around the school. We would like to give a big welcome to Mrs Galloway who will be teaching in Foundation this year opposite Miss Papworth.