Swallowfield Annual Spelling Challenge
Don’t forget tomorrow is the spelling challenge. All of the children will participate in the challenge tomorrow and there will also be an Inter-House spelling quiz in each year group. It is not necessary to bring sponsorship money tomorrow as this can be collected after they have taken part in the challenge.
We hope the children have fun with their spellings!
KS2 Pancake Race
We all had lots of fun taking part in our Inter-House Pancake Race yesterday and successfully managed to complete the obstacle course!
Big Write
Over the next couple of days all children at Swallowfield will be taking part in Big Write again. The children will bring home their ‘talk homework’ either Wednesday or Thursday evening, in preparation for their Big Write the following day. Please find just a few minutes to talk about their ideas for their story. There is no need to produce written notes or plans, the focus is purely oral rehearsal. We look forward to reading their fantastic writing. Thank you for your continued support.