National Tree Week
As part of National Tree Week we have been celebrating trees, writing our thoughts onto leaves which will be used to dress the tree at the entrance.
Switch off Fortnight
The Eco Committee have been monitoring our use of electricity in school and reminding everyone how to save energy. As a result, they found a reduction in the amount of lights, laptops and white boards left on over lunchtimes. Let’s hope this continues!
Big Write
Next week, all the children at Swallowfield will be taking part in Big Write again. The children will bring home their ‘talk homework’ the day before in preparation for their Big Write the following day. Please find just a few minutes to talk about their ideas for their story. There is no need to produce written notes or plans, the focus is purely oral rehearsal. Don’t worry if you are new to Swallowfield, as a letter will be coming home to explain how it all works.
We look forward to reading their fantastic writing. Thank you for your continued support.
Talk homework: Swallowfield Lower School Big Write – National Tree Week