01908 582 101


Maths Workshop-30.10.19

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Thank you for all those who were able to attend the Maths Meeting this morning. At Swallowfield we follow a mastery based approach to the teaching of Mathematics. This was explained at the meeting whilst focusing on how we teach addition and subtraction from Early Years to Year 4. Please use the Calculation Policy on our website to explore these operations in more detail.

Here is the presentation for you to review at home.

Many thanks,

Mr McGill

Maths Meeting for Parents and Carers-October 2019-Addition and Subtraction

Scarecrow Trail

Monday, October 28, 2019

It was lovely to see so many families come to visit our entry into the Scarecrow Trail, by bike, car, on foot and with dogs!

Our veg box started off full, with donations and our own school grown produce, but was empty by the end of the afternoon.

For taking part, Woburn Sands Emporium donated a superb apple tree to the school too.

Stanley and Susie waiting for visitors!

Our full veg box!

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Monday, September 30, 2019

On Friday afternoon the Year 2 children hosted a Macmillan Coffee Afternoon for families and friends of our school. As well as baking in class,  we had many donations of cakes and biscuits that the children sold to raise funds for this worthwhile cause. The PTFA also sold tea and coffee at the event to support the fundraising.

We were so happy to raise a fantastic £480 for Macmillan Cancer Support. We would like to thank the parents, the PTFA and the kitchen staff for their support during the event.


Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary