01908 582 101


‘My Swallowfield Family’ by Merryn (Y6)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


My Swallowfield


By Merryn


Now I’m going to tell you a story
All about how 

Swallowfield flipped my life upside down

Now sit down for a minute or two 

so I can see I am facing you


This is not a story of a prince or princess 

Dragon or night 

boxers in fight

A story of three wishes you choose you pick 

No this is a story of pure Swallowfield magic


When I first walked into Swallowfield room 

Learning life and laughter began to bloom like a flower

OK confession this poem is a bit… well cringe


This story starts in foundation 

A,B,C everyone knows it across the nation 

But in Swallowfield A was an apple

B, was a bug and C, was a chapel

Miss Papworth now Mrs Wissan

Miss Davison gone off abroad probably sunbathing

They created my base foundation 

And started my Swallowfield journey of creation


Year 1, Goldentime and Fessy Fridays 

Oh how I miss Mrs Rand and Fessys good old ways. 

Superheroes what a super topic

Dressed like wonder woman and Superman

Then kings and Queens 

My two teachers should think of themselves as an amazing team


Oh year 2&3  what a team

Only to be interrupted by covid 19

Forced to the screens of laptops and phones

Oh but the teachers how they kept on going

They made lessons fun right down to our bones

But who were these magicians of such wonder

But I say there is no question to ponder

It was of course Mrs Peters and Mr McGill

Oh Mr McGill deputy of the wonderful Mrs Brewer

And not forgetting the step in Mrs Falkner


Oh year 4 what a surprise 

It really did open our eyes 

We were to be year 5 & 6

Oldest in the school now that’s a mix

We had a funny teacher that year

He had jokes stored inside like jars 

I think he might of come from mars

The teachers were very funny and jumbly

They were Mrs Peters, Mccormick and Mr plumbly

Them put together was a wonderful sceam 

They really were the dream team


Oh year 5 what fun 

Now year 4 was done

We  were making history in Swallowfield

Oh in year 5 

We lived the life

This was a new experience

And the teachers really  took the chance

To make lessons fun 

They were Miss Sharpe and Mrs Woodman


OK let’s be honest this next year

Is super Sonic

We had two teachers… 

They were crazy 

I mean what teachers can make math fun

By counting the farts coming out of someones bum

They were Mr Plumbly and Mr Carter

Let’s be honest they were silly and filled with laughter

Though times were tough in year six

They made it enjoyable

Even with SATs in the mix

Then there is Mrs Middleton 

She was like everyones mum

(Including Mr P and Mr Carter)

She had a laugh about a bum and a fart

She really was year sixes heart


This is the end of my poem of happy 

Also the end of my Swallowfield journey

You have taught me how to laugh

How to live life and work har

It has been quite a ride 

As you can see, it is time to say goodbye to…

My Swallowfield Family.


February Newsletter 2024

Friday, March 1, 2024


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Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary