01908 582 101

Happy Christmas from all at Busy Bees

We were very lucky this week to have a few of Santa’s Friends in to give the children a gift as they had all worked so hard this term.

We would like to wish you all a Very Happy and Safe Christmas and New Year

Love from The Busy Bees Team

Scarecrow Trail

It was lovely to see so many families come to visit our entry into the Scarecrow Trail, by bike, car, on foot and with dogs!

Our veg box started off full, with donations and our own school grown produce, but was empty by the end of the afternoon.

For taking part, Woburn Sands Emporium donated a superb apple tree to the school too.

Stanley and Susie waiting for visitors!

Our full veg box!

Busy Bees Trip to Gulliver’s Dinosaur and Farm Park 2018

The Busy Bees Pre-Foundation children had a wonderful time yesterday on their first school trip.

Busy Bees staff would like to thank the parent helpers who came forward and supported us on the day – your help was very much appreciated.



Our Circus Day at Busy Bees

Sports Day (afternoon)

Sports Day (morning)

The Great Fire of London – Y2P

The Great Fire of London – Y2H

Y1H – Friendly Aliens

Y1WR – Friendly Aliens


Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary