01908 582 101

Year 6


Welcome to Summer Term in Year 6

Our teachers are Mr Plumbly (Oak Class) and Mr Carter (Sycamore Class)

We are supported by Mrs Middleton, Mrs Rand and Mrs Mutchell.

Welcome to the Summer Term! We have the Key Stage 2 Statutory Tests this term for Reading, Arithmetic, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) and Maths Reasoning.


We are excited to start our new set of topics which we know the children will enjoy.

We will be working with Position and Direction, Shape and Real-Life Projects (e.g. Bills, measurements and shopping) in Maths. We will be exploring exploring a new class read ‘A Monster Calls’ and ‘Instructions’ in English.

In Geography we will be exploring all there is to know about Our Changing World.

If you would like to know about what we will be learning in other subjects, please refer to the Medium Term Plan below.

Year 6 Podcast Club

SATs Survival: Episode 1

Lands on Earth: Episode 1 (Borneo)

Banana FM Episode 1 – Super Stanley’s Birthfday

Merry’s Poem: My Swallowfield Family

Year 6 Homework Tasks

Year 6 homework will be a vital part of the year in terms of revision and we expect all children to complete 1 written piece of homework and 1 maths related task every week. These will be set on Google Classroom and expected to be in every Thursday.


Year 6 Timetable

Below is an example of what your child’s weekly timetable will look like throughout the year.
Y6 Timetable


Knowledge Organisers

Please find this term’s knowledge organisers below:

Y6 Place Value

Y6 WW2


Year 6 Welcome Letter


Y6 Autumn Welcome Letter


Year 6 Planned Learning

SPRING TERM YEAR 6 2023_24___

Autumn Medium Term Plan

Summer Medium Term Plan

Year 6 General Information and Equipment

Please find below, copies of the general Year 5 and 6 information and equipment list that was sent home at the end of the Summer term. Please also refer to the ‘Parent/Carer Information’ section on your child’s Google Classroom for any useful information.

Year 5 and 6 Equipment

Year 5 and 6 Letter



Weathercock Close
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes
MK17 8SR
01908 582 101

Swallowfield Primary